MES-TLS Unification: a quality leap in the construction of a socialist pole in PSOL

We are facing a new leap in the construction of a revolutionary tool that points to a socialist pole in the PSOL: we have concluded a process of organic approach, which results in our fusion and new syntheses that will strengthen the MES and pose new challenges on the horizon. TLS has just voted, in its conference, to incorporate the MES to its political staff. The programmatic bases that allow this new strategic relationship are given by our common struggle to affirm the strategic project of a revolutionary and Marxist pole within the PSOL, which disputes the party leadership aiming at party consolidation and the search for mass influence for our positions.

With a common work from 2013 onwards, TLS and MES have strengthened ties in recent years. After a long accumulation of time – with the formation of common theses for the last party congresses – the conditions for this leap have matured. About two years ago, we decided to accept the challenge and take the step of building an organic approach. Our common programmatic basis was expressed, for example, in the thesis for the VII Party Congress “PSOL Em Movimento” (PSOL on Movement), where we expressed a common understanding about the tasks and current challenges of the Brazilian and world situation, especially the confrontation with bolsonarism and the extreme right. We thus reinforce action in party life and in the movement – such as, for example, the activity of TLS and MES in the dispute of the movement of basic education workers, either via CNTE, or via the partnership with the partners of SEPE and in expansion.

TLS originated from the former ALS, a group linked to the sectors of the left of the PT in the 1990s. The organization had an initial expression in the ABC of São Paulo and then expanded nationally through its work with teachers and other sectors. It became one of the largest groups in Apeosp (the teachers’ union of the state of São Paulo), directing innumerable sub branches, and conquered national insertion, with its main work being that of SINPOL of Pernambuco, directed by comrade Áureo Cisneros, leader of the anti-fascist police, in addition to acting in seven states (Acre, Alagoas, Bahia, Pernambuco, Piauí, Roraima and São Paulo), with relevant force in the PSOL, marked by the dynamism of comrade Leandro Recife, with a prominent presence in the National Executive Party of PSOL.

The unification we have now achieved is, for us, a very rich process, which follows a history of fusions and incorporations in progress in the very genesis of the MES since 1999. Our unification seeks to strengthen a socialist and revolutionary tool that will remain open to new compositions and experiences. The organization that results from this process also forces us to make an organizational leap that allows the incorporation of a new column of leaders and new sectors in a qualitative way. After unification, the union organization of our current (which, in the MES, had until then developed under the banner of the anti-capitalist union platform “Mover”) is now called Workers in the Socialist Struggle (TLS), with a new location. The national union team will be responsible for the success of this space.

Our militancy is renewed to give the struggle a new direction for the mass movement. We put on the agenda the need to confront and defeat the Bolsonaro and the extreme right; we will seek the struggle to build social majority and stimulate all kinds of confrontation to the Bolsonarism, especially in the face of the ongoing crisis, the struggle for impeachment, for a vaccine for all, and for the return of emergency aid.

Our programmatic base is internationalist and is inspired by solidarity and learning from the most dynamic processes of struggle and resistance of the peoples, as we have seen recently with the examples of the Black Lives Matter demonstrations in the United States, the struggle of women in Poland and the recent confrontations in Latin America, such as the defeat of the coup in Bolivia, the struggle for a new constituency in Chile and the new political and electoral expressions in Peru and Ecuador. Within the IV International, we will continue building an anti-capitalist and ecosocialist way out for workers and peoples around the world.

We reaffirm the PSOL as a strategic project, giving centrality to social struggles and placing our tribunes at the service of a socialist and revolutionary strategy. We follow the struggle of all the workers, women, the black people, the LGBTs, the quilombolas, the indigenous, the youth, in the neighborhoods, in popular education, and in all our tools and instances.

Today, therefore, is a historic day, and the revolutionary unity between two sectors of the socialist left, in the midst of a period of intense fragmentation of sectors of the radical left, is not just a sum. Our unification paves the way for new mergers and unifications with socialist groups from all over Brazil, with which we have discussed and acted. We celebrate this moment by toasting unity and hope with our contribution to defeating Bolsonaro and expanding the struggle to build a socialist alternative, so necessary for our country.

Long live the struggle of the workers!

Long live socialism!