This February, 26th and 27th join to the Jungle’s Scream

The Amazon’s peoples and organizations, threatened by an increasing set of pandemics, make a call to everyone who feels the necessity of working together to protect our territories from the crisis upon us, to participate in “The Jungle Screams: Voices of the Amazon” a virtual gathering in which we will analyze and build proposals to fight the pandemics of Covid-19, climate change, patriarchy, feminicides, and political systems kidnaping democracy.

The Jungle Screams is part of the Amazon’s Global Assembly, and will have the participation of representatives of the Coordinating Body for the Indigenous Peoples Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA), The Ecclesial Panamazonian Network (REPAM) and the Panamazonian Social Forum; next to activist, Scientifics and allies from the global north and south.

“The Jungle Screams: Voices of the Amazon” will take place this February 26th and 27th at 13:00 of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru; 14:00 of Bolivia, Guyana and Venezuela; 15:00 of Brazil-São Paulo, French Guyana y Surinam; and 19:00 – Central Europe Time.

Simultaneous interpretation to Spanish, Portuguese and English will be available.
