“Chronicle of a fraud foretold”


It is difficult to say how many years we have known Monica Baltodano. I remember that we actively participated in early 2000 in Nicaragua in the campaigns in favor of the thousands of people affected by the agro-toxic Nemagon (DBCP) – a product that became a serial killer in Central America – and supporting the struggle of the legion of sugar cane workers in the municipality of Chinandega who are victims of chronic renal insufficiency.

Yesterday we spoke about the worrisome situation in Nicaragua and, as on other occasions, I requested an audio of her views. Monica Baltodano, former commander of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) and referent of the Articulation of Social Movements of Nicaragua, denounces in the following podcast the brutal escalation of repression against political opponents of Daniel Ortega’s regime.

“These repressive actions announce that next November 7 (date of the national elections) there will be no respect for the popular will”, he states.

Listen to his complete statements. Share them