The elites’ pact is consolidating in Mexico

Via Tribuna Popular

The political representatives of the two most important factions of the national bourgeoisie reached an agreement in Mexico to lay the groundwork for continuing a process of political negotiations that has been going on for some time and is producing concrete results to the benefit of the enemies of the Venezuelan people.

On one side, we have the government of Nicolás Maduro and the sell-out leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), representing the interests of the powerful new rich formed in the shadow of state business. On the other hand, the right wing, led by Juan Guaidó, Henrique Capriles and the social democratic parties, representing the traditional national bourgeoisie and the interests of American and European transnational monopoly groups.

It must be remembered that the right-wing opposition faction acts in open subordination to the interests of American and European imperialism, hence its source of forcing negotiations comes from the damaging impact of the coercive, unilateral and illegal sanctions imposed by the imperialist powers against the country.

Given this class composition of the two political forces gathered in Mexico, it is clear that the content of the so-called “peace talks” will revolve around their interests. That is why when they talk about negotiations for stability or national salvation, they mean the creation of conditions to guarantee their own stability and salvation, to the detriment of the interests of the country and of the workers in the city and countryside.

Mexico’s Memorandum of Understanding has as its real basis the previous economic agreements, with the aim of giving guarantees to private capital. Both the government and the right-wing opposition agree with the current economic adjustment with neoliberal content that imposes the policy of price liberalization, the de facto dollarization of the economy, the privatization of public goods, the devolution of public companies and agricultural land to private capital and landowners, the policies of fiscal easing, the opening to private capital in the oil sector, the policy of wage destruction and the deregulation of labor relations. As well as the important promises to national and foreign private capital of juicy profits with the Special Economic Zones and the expectations of a reform of the Hydrocarbons Law with which it is intended to privatize the oil business and reduce the ability of the state to capture oil rent.

This is why the working class, the peasantry and the popular sectors cannot be fooled by the dialogues of the bourgeoisie in Mexico. It is not our interests and needs that are on the agenda of the political representatives of the rapacious national and transnational bourgeoisie; on the contrary: it is on the sacrifice of our earnings and rights, and carrying on our shoulders the entire weight of the crisis and the illegal imperialist sanctions, that today these two political forces of the bourgeoisie shake hands and aspire to sign the “peace pipe.”

A sign of this reality is that while the dialogues give quick results in the liberation of right-wing figures implicated in foreign aggressions against the country, many workers continue to be imprisoned as a result of a growing policy of judicialization and criminalization of workers’, unions’ and peasants’ struggles.

But the evidence goes further: while the dialogues generate quick responses to the bosses’ demands for lower taxes and free prices, the workers’ demands for a wage equal to the basic basket of goods and against illegal layoffs are dismissed.

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) rejects and condemns this farce of dialogues that is being imposed with its back turned to the real demands and needs of the workers of the city and countryside.

We denounce before the Venezuelan people that the objective of the dialogues in Mexico is to consolidate the bourgeois pact of distribution of the country’s wealth among national and foreign capitalists, while at the same time imposing an anti-popular economic adjustment. All this, moreover, by guaranteeing a grotesque impunity for those who have amassed enormous fortunes under the cover of corruption and for those who have provoked illegal foreign sanctions against the country and appropriated resources belonging to the nation.

Today more than ever, we workers must be united to fight against the offensive that the bourgeois pact in Mexico will impose against our rights and the sovereignty of the country.

Yesterday it was the Punto Fijo pact; today it will be the Mexico Pact. With new and old actors, but always against the interests of the working people and the Homeland.

The working class, the peasantry and the popular forces must build the Alternative of a Popular and Revolutionary character in the face of the new pact of the elites.

Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV)

Caracas, August 17, 2021