Month: <span>April 2021</span>
The World Bank and the Arab Spring
COVID-19 in India: an unfolding humanitarian crisis
Will Zagreb be Ours? The prospects for a left-green alternative in Croatia’s capital and beyond
Boris Johnson and the Orbanisation of Britain
Post-Keynesianism: the principles
Socialists Should Fight the Corporate Democratic Party, Not Manage It
Megamining, arrests and harassment in Andalgalá
Pedro Castillo is an opportunity for the Peruvian Left
In Bolivia the hard vote was broken and MAS loses all four provinces
Fujimori never again!
“Latin America has entered a period of new social and political polarizations”
Alternativa Popular Revolucionaria and the situation in Venezuela
French oil giant still bankrolling Myanmar junta
Hong Kong: Stop the persecution against freedom fighters!
Union Organizing Drive at Amazon Fails—Why? What Next?
Bernie Is Right. We Should Immediately Expand and Improve Medicare
PSOL parliamentarians speak out against political repression in Russia
In Hong Kong normalization reaches a new level
Letter from the World Assembly for the Amazon to Joe Biden’s Administration
Electoral results express social and political polarization
Bolivia’s recount progresses, MAS to lose all four departments in the ballot
Ecuador: Lasso wins the second round of the presidential elections
From Rafael Correa to Guillermo Lasso via Lenín Moreno
In Italy, the prospects opened up by the national strike of delivery workers
Vaccine patent breaking and the international fight for life
Second wave: the responsibility lies with the State
Resistance Forces Kill At Least 18 Myanmar Soldiers in Sagaing Border Town
Fighting anti-Asian violence cannot Include apologism for the Chinese state
How to Avoid the Anti-Imperialism of Fools
Report on the international situation