Tens of thousands took to the Brazilian streets against Bolsonaro this past Saturday, May 29, in the first large demonstration against the government since the pandemic began. Large marches took place in several cities, highlighting the large mobilization in São Paulo and strong demonstrations in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Porto Alegre and in all other capitals of the country, as well as dozens of other small and medium-sized cities.
Unlike other cities, in Recife the military police of the state of Pernambuco (governed by the PSB – Brazilian Socialist Party) attacked the demonstration causing some injuries, including a city councilwoman, and having two passers-by with serious eye injuries. Outside of Brazil, demonstrations also took place in cities such as Lisbon, London, Paris and New York.
The various organizations and activists took to the streets because they understand that the risk of Bolsonaro is worse than the risk of the virus, with his denialist and genocidal political project leading Brazil to one of the worst levels of contamination on the planet, adding more than 450 thousand deaths by Covid and having today only 10% of its population vaccinated. The lack of immunization deepens an economic and social crisis in which more than 20% of workers are unemployed and food insecurity reaches more than half of Brazilian homes.
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